Financial tips
As a responsible lender, Credit Club wants you to understand the risk associated with payday loans. Our goal is to provide you with the money you need in order to meet some financial obligations. These loans should not be used for personal consumption. We want to help you have access to credit by offering an alternative to traditional banking but we also feel it is our duty to mention that payday loans might not be the best solution for you.
Are Payday Loans Right For Me?
You should use a payday loan only if you have a short-term cash flow problem. It can be for various reasons including unexpected bills, emergency repair or rent. You should not use a payday loan if you usually have financial problems every month and cannot reasonably expect to repay your loan on the next payday.
Credit Club encourages you to make a budget by calculating your income for a given month as well as your expenses in order to know if a payday loan is right for you. We will not lend you money if we think you cannot pay it back.
For more information please email us at [email protected]
Get your loan with these 4 easy steps
Apply online in minutes
Receive instant approval
Funded directly in your bank account
Repay upon your next payday